Country codes Indonesia

ISO 3166-1 2 letter


ISO 3166-1 3 letter


Internet TLD


Phone calling code


Large airports


Medium airports


Small airports




Total airports


Largest airports in Indonesia

There are 7 large airports in Indonesia.

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ICAO IATA Name Type Municipality
WASS SOQ Dominique Edward Osok Airport Large airport Sorong-Papua Island
WAAA UPG Hasanuddin International Airport Large airport Ujung Pandang-Celebes Island
WARR SUB Juanda International Airport Large airport Surabaya
WIMM KNO Kualanamu International Airport Large airport
WADD DPS Ngurah Rai (Bali) International Airport Large airport Denpasar-Bali Island
WAJJ DJJ Sentani International Airport Large airport Jayapura-Papua Island
WIII CGK Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Large airport Jakarta

Airport codes in Indonesia

Find all airports in Indonesia

ICAO IATA Name Type Municipality
WIME AEG Aek Godang Airport Medium airport Padang Sidempuan-Sumatra Island
WASO BXB Babo Airport Medium airport Babo-Papua Island
WABV UGU Bilogai-Sugapa Airport Medium airport Sugapa-Papua Island
WIMB GNS Binaka Airport Medium airport Gunung Sitoli-Nias Island
WASS SOQ Dominique Edward Osok Airport Large airport Sorong-Papua Island
WAPL LUV Dumatumbun Airport Medium airport Langgur-Seram Island
WASF FKQ Fakfak Airport Medium airport Fakfak-Papua Island
WIGG BKS Fatmawati Soekarno Airport Medium airport Bengkulu-Sumatra Island
WABB BIK Frans Kaisiepo Airport Medium airport Biak-Supiori Island
WIHH HLP Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport Medium airport Jakarta
WIDD BTH Hang Nadim International Airport Medium airport Batam Island
WAAA UPG Hasanuddin International Airport Large airport Ujung Pandang-Celebes Island
WICC BDO Husein Sastranegara International Airport Medium airport Bandung-Java Island
WIPR RGT Japura Airport Medium airport Rengat-Sumatra Island
WARR SUB Juanda International Airport Large airport Surabaya
WAQQ TRK Juwata Airport Medium airport Tarakan Island
WASK KNG Kaimana Airport Medium airport Kaimana-Papua Island
WAQT BEJ Kalimarau Airport Medium airport Tanjung Redeb - Borneo Island
WAMP PSJ Kasiguncu Airport Medium airport Poso-Celebes Island
WIOK KTG Ketapang(Rahadi Usman) Airport Medium airport Ketapang-Borneo Island
WIMM KNO Kualanamu International Airport Large airport
WITL LSX Lhok Sukon Airport Medium airport Lhok Sukon-Sumatra Island
WADL LOP Lombok International Airport Medium airport Mataram
WIEE PDG Minangkabau International Airport Medium airport Ketaping/Padang - Sumatra Island
WAKK MKQ Mopah Airport Medium airport Merauke-Papua Island
WABP TIM Moses Kilangin Airport Medium airport Timika-Papua Island
WAML PLW Mutiara Airport Medium airport Palu-Celebes Island
WABI NBX Nabire Airport Medium airport Nabire-Papua Island
WAMH NAH Naha Airport Medium airport Tahuna-Sangihe Island
WIOG NPO Nanga Pinoh Airport Medium airport Nanga Pinoh-Borneo Island
WADD DPS Ngurah Rai (Bali) International Airport Large airport Denpasar-Bali Island
WIOP PSU Pangsuma Airport Medium airport Putussibau-Borneo Island
WAPP AMQ Pattimura Airport, Ambon Medium airport Ambon
WIPQ PDO Pendopo Airport Medium airport Talang Gudang-Sumatra Island
WIBD DUM Pinang Kampai Airport Medium airport Dumai-Sumatra Island
WAMR OTI Pitu Airport Medium airport Gotalalamo-Morotai Island
WICT TKG Radin Inten II (Branti) Airport Medium airport Bandar Lampung-Sumatra Island
WION NTX Ranai Airport Medium airport Ranai-Natuna Besar Island
WASR MKW Rendani Airport Medium airport Manokwari-Papua Island
WAMM MDC Sam Ratulangi Airport Medium airport Manado-Celebes Island
WAJJ DJJ Sentani International Airport Large airport Jayapura-Papua Island
WIOS SQG Sintang(Susilo) Airport Medium airport Sintang-Borneo Island
WIII CGK Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Large airport Jakarta
WIMK MES Soewondo Air Force Base Medium airport Medan-Sumatra Island
WITT BTJ Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport Medium airport Banda Aceh
WAMT TTE Sultan Khairun Babullah Airport Medium airport Sango-Ternate Island
WIPP PLM Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Medium airport Palembang-Sumatra Island
WIBB PKU Sultan Syarif Kasim Ii (Simpang Tiga) Airport Medium airport Pekanbaru-Sumatra Island
WIOO PNK Supadio Airport Medium airport Pontianak-Borneo Island
WAMW LUW Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport Medium airport Luwok - Celebes Island
WIMG Tabing Airport Medium airport Padang-Sumatra Island
WALS SRI Temindung Airport Medium airport Samarinda
WIHL CXP Tunggul Wulung Airport Medium airport Cilacap-Java Island
WAJW WMX Wamena Airport Medium airport Wamena-Papua Island
WAON TJG Warukin Airport Medium airport Tanta-Tabalong-Borneo Island

About Indonesia

Indonesia (native name: Indonesia) is a country located in South-Eastern Asia. In total, the population of the country reaches 273.5 million inhabitants. Its capital is Jakarta.

The international country code of Indonesia is ID or IDN. Neighbouring countries are Timor-Leste, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.

The common language in Indonesia is Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia).
The only officially used currency is Indonesian rupiah. If you want to exchange money, check the current value of the Indonesian rupiah with the value of your local currency at the money exchange office.

There are 7 large, 48 medium and about 209 small airports in Indonesia.

Travel to Indonesia


If you need more tourist information we can advise you to buy a guide for Indonesia


No vaccinations are required.

Tap water

Unknown tap water status.


The historical average temperature lies between 0°C () and 0°C ().


When travelling abroad keep in mind that the response times and services available on the other end of the call may be different than those in your own country.

112 (EU)

In case of an emergency, the number for local police, ambulance or fire station is 112. Dialling 112 could be a life-saver and is completely free. In most EU countries, the operator will speak both the local language and English. If you want to call the emergency number from a mobile phone, your phone will probably have a pre-programmed list of emergency numbers. 112 is usually in addition to other emergency numbers like 911.

The emergency number is in effect in every country of the European Union. There are also some other European and Non-European countries where you can dial 112 in case of an emergency.

You can dial 112 from any mobile phone, landline, or payphone. In some countries, 112 is the only emergency number, in other countries 112 is in addition to local emergency numbers. In countries where 112 is not an official emergency number, the call is sometimes forwarded to the local emergency number.

Do you want to call the emergency number via a fixed telephone connection, the address of the connection is automatically communicated to the alarm centre. If you’re calling with a mobile phone, the location of the GSM mast will communicate your location and in some cases also the GPS location of your mobile phone to the alarm centre.

Airline tickets

Find cheap flight tickets to Indonesia

Are your planning a trip to Indonesia? Find that perfect airline ticket through one of our partners.

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Car rental

Rent a car in Indonesia

Find a rental car at your destination airport to make the most out of your trip to Indonesia.

When traveling abroad, we mostly have a limited amount of time to experience the beautiful sights and activities and often end up we really want to do. Renting a car lets you travel at your own leisure and get to the spots you want to visit in Indonesia quickly and hassle-free.

Car rental services often include a GPS system, providing you with the perfect opportunity to explore the country without getting lost. You can drive wherever you want to go.

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Travel insurance

Travel insurance for your trip to Indonesia

Travel insurance helps protect against the unexpected. A primary incentive to get travel insurance can be for the emergency medical assistance. It’s a wise thing to get travel insurance because you can easily spend over GBP 10,000 for treatment and transportation expenses. Don’t wait too long before purchasing a travel insurance because many travel insurance coverages require you to purchase your plan within a specific number of days of making that initial trip deposit if the coverage is to be in effect.

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Travel insurance for people with a medical condition

Travel Insurance 4 Medical is specialised in providing travel insurance for people who have medical conditions but don’t want to be held back by that conditions. Travel Insurance 4 Medical over 1000s of conditions including cancer, MS, IBS, Alzheimer’s, HIV and pregnancy. The online screening will only take as little as 3 minutes.

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